Friday, March 25, 2011

AT&T's Magazine a Missed Opportunity

I just received a "magazine" from AT&T . A glossy, well produced 16 page piece that promotes their services and the benefits of all you can do with the iPhone, and their network. What a great opportunity to integrate 2D barcodes to make the print piece interactive, engaging and more measurable.

Unfortunately AT&T missed the chance. It could have been a great showcase for code scanning and helped illustrate AT&T's leadership in this space. I see AT&T's banners for their code scanning services multiple times per day on mobile marketing newsletters, blogs and websites. How come they could not integrate it here?

There are obvious places in the magazine that could have benefited from a 2D code linking users to more information. One of the best, were the examples of different events around the world. It would have been great to be able to see the YouTube video of any of these. Rather than read through the narrative. Let me get to the video. Through that they would have demonstrated the benefits of code scanning, mobile data plans, the iPhone, etc. Of all companies, AT&T should be out front on making their advertising mobile friendly and mobile enabled. They have so much to gain as other advertisers embrace mobile marketing.

Please AT&T, make it happen next time around.

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