Friday, January 8, 2010

Optimizing Mobile Retail Sites

Gomez Advisers provides their perspective on how retailers need to optimize evaluate the performance of their mobile sites in the recent Mobile Marketer. Gomez is very experienced in the field of analysis of web site performance and relates many of the traditional evaluation criteria to the mobile web.

I agree that these criteria are important. However, the first step is getting retailers to actually create mobile sites that provide value to consumers, engage them and get them to return. Further, for those retailers that actually have mobile web properties, where is the promotion? Do customers know they exist? What is the clear use case for consumers to go to those sites.

Just translating existing web to mobile is not enough. We hear great examples like eBay. Other retailers need to invest the time and energy to find their benefits to consumers. Focusing on page load times and other quantitative measures are only relevant when we know what that information value is to consumers. First focus on making the experience and information useful.

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