Thursday, January 14, 2010

Morgan Stanley's Data Dump on Mobile Internet

Morgan Stanley has recently completed a comprehensive report on the Mobile Internet. They have done an impressively exhaustive analysis of various aspects of the market, technologies and vendors. Unlike most of the reports that are done by research firms, you can actually get your hands on much of the information for free. Here is link to their 92 page summary of the findings. If you have the inclination one can also download a more exhaustive presentation with over 600 slides.

There are some good stats and useful forecasts, especially if you are concocting a business plan for VCs. No doubt these figures will be used to drive many optimistic forecasts for the mobile internet market. Given these projections, one can understand the thinking behind the $275 million paid to Quatro Wireless by Apple or the $600 Google is shelling out for AdMob. Hope this will drive lots more investment in good ideas in the space.

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